Authorities under SASC Purview:

The St. Mary’s Children’s Home

The St. Mary’s Children’s Home has always been co-educational with the Anglican Church in collaboration with the Government administering its affairs. The Bishop of Trinidad has always been the Chairman of the Board of Management, ably assisted by other social workers. Over the years the St. Mary’s Children’s home has produced several of Trinidad and Tobago’s top musicians, including the legendary late Sel Duncan. But there has been a changing face of the building in which many a child calls home. The children who now live at the home are the result of economic change in the life of the country. Among the children who are brought to the Home today, there are many whose parents have been afflicted by a drug abuse problem and are unable to provide for the children. In addition, there are children who have been admitted since they were either abandoned, or physically or sexually abused.

At the St. Mary’s Children’s Home, the children have learnt many skills which enable them to be live viable lives in the society upon leaving at age 18. The children take part in sports and many attend Junior and Senior Secondary School. Such is the institution which is called the St. Mary’s Children’s Home in which the members of staff take courses in areas that will assist them in the effective performance of their duties.